Recommended Reading

For Men

  • Baldoni, Justin (2021). Man Enough: Undefining my masculinity.
  • Brody, Karen (2014). Open Her: Activate 7 masculine powers to arouse your woman’s love & desire.
  • Deida, David (2017). The Way of the Superior Man: A spiritual guide to mastering the challenges of women, work, and sexual desire. Sounds True: Boulder, CO
  • Glover, Robert (2003). No More Mr. Nice Guy: A proven plan for getting what you want in love, sex, and life. Running Press: Philadelphia, PA


  • Coloroso, Barbara (2002). The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander. HarperCollins: Toronto, ON ISBN 0-00-639420-5
  • Coloroso, Barbara (2010). Kids Are Worth It: Raising resilient, responsible, compassionate kids. Penguin: Toronto, ON ISBN 978-0-14-317543-8
  • Carroll, Lee; Tober, Jan (1999). Indigo Children: the new kids have arrived. Hay House: Carlsbad, CA ISBN 1-56170-608-6
  • Faber, Adele; Mazlish, Elaine (1980). How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk. Harper Collins: NY, NY ISBN 0-380-81196-0
  • Faber, Adele; Mazlish, Elaine (1987). Siblings Without Rivalry: How to help your children to live together so you can live too. Avon books: NY, NY ISBN 0-380-70527-3


  • Abrahams Spring, Janis (1996). After the Affair: Healing the pain and rebuilding trust when a partner has been unfaithful.
    NY: Perennial. ISBN 0-06-017236-3
  • Bagely, Nate. The Epic Wives Experiment. Online class. Find Nate and his Growth Marriage podcasts on Google.
  • Evans, Patricia (1996). The Verbally Abusive Relationship: how to recognize it and how to respond. Adams Media Corp: Holbrook, MA. ISBN 1-5580-582-2
  • Harley, Willard (2001). His Needs Her Needs: Building an affair-proof marriage. Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revel. ISBN 978-0-8007-5779-3
  • Hendrix, Harville (1990). Getting the Love You Want: A guide for couples. NY: Harper Perennial. ISBN 0-06-097292-0
  • Hendrix, Harvillle (1992). Keeping the Love You Find: A personal guide. NY: Atria books. ISBN 0-671-73420-2
  • Hendrix, Harville; LaKelly Hunt, Helen (2004). Receiving Love: Transform your relationship by letting yourself be loved.
    NY: Atria books. ISBN 0-7434-8369-3
  • Hendrix, Harville; LaKelly Hunt, Helen (2013). Making Marriage Simple: 10 truths for changing the relationship you have into the one you want. NY: Harmony books. ISBN 978-0-7704-3712-1
  • Kasl, Charlotte (1999). If the buddha Dated: a handbook for finding love on a spiritual path. Penguin books: New York, NY ISBN 0 14 01.9583 1
  • Kasl, Charlotte (2001). If the buddha Married: creating enduring relationships on a spiritual path. Penguin books: New York, NY ISBN 978-0-14-019622-1
  • Lerner, Harriet (2001). The Dance of Connection: How to talk to someone when you’re mad, hurt, scared, frustrated, insulted, betrayed, or desperate. NY: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-019638-6
  • Love, Patricia (2001). The Truth About Love: The highs, the lows, and how you can make it last forever. NY: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-87188-2
  • Love, Patricia; Stosny, Steven (2007). How To Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It: Finding love beyond words. NY: broadway books. ISBN 978-7679-2317-0
  • Nelson, Tammy (2008). Getting the Sex You Want: Shed your inhibitions and reach new heights of passion together. beverly, MA:Quiver. ISBN 1-59233-301-X
  • Perel, Esther (2006). Mating in Captivity: unlocking erotic intelligence. HarperCollins: New York, NY ISBN 978-0-06-075364-1
  • Real, Terrence (2002). How Can I Get Through To You?: Closing the intimacy gap between men and women. NY: Fireside. ISBN 0-684-86878-4
  • Real, Terrence (2007). The New Rules of Marriage: what you need to know to make love work. Ballantine books: New York, NY ISBN 978-0-345-48086-6
  • Tatkin, Stan. Your Brain on Love: The neurobiology of healthy relationships (6 CD set) Sounds True Audio book. Go to
  • Weiner Davis, Michele (2001). The Divorce Remedy: The proven 7-step program for saving your marriage. NY: Simon & Schuster. ISBN-10: 0-684-87325-7
  • Zukav, Gary (2010). Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power. NY: HarperOne. ISBN 978-0-060145851-4

Self-Help and Spirituality

  • Aron, Elaine N. (1997). The Highly Sensitive Person: How to thrive when the world overwhelms you. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press. ISBN 978-0-553-06218-2
  • Bourbeau, Lise (2001). Heal Your Wounds & Find Your True Self: Finally a book that explains why it’s so hard being yourself! Saint Jerome, QC: Les Editions E.T.C. Inc. ISBN 978-2-920932-21-0
  • Bourbeau, Lise (2001). Your Body’s Telling You: Love yourself! The most complete book on metaphysical causes of illnesses & diseases. Saint Jerome, QC: Les Editions E.T.C. Inc. ISBN 978-2-920932-17-3
  • Hay, Louise (2004). You Can Heal Your Life. Hay House: Carlsbad, CA
  • James, John & Friedman, Russell (1998). The Grief Recovery handbook: the action program for moving beyond death, divorce and other losses.  HarperCollins Publishers: NY, NY  ISBN 0-06-095273-3
  • Katie, Byron (2005). I Need Your Love-Is That True?: How to stop seeking love, approval, and appreciation and start finding them instead. Harmony books: NY, NY ISBN 1-4000-5107-X
  • Keyes,Jr., Ken (1975). A Handbook to Higher Consciousness. Love Line books: Coos bay, OR ISBN 0-9600688-8-0
  • MacLeod, Ainslie (2009). The Instruction: Living the life your soul intended.
  • Menahem, Sam (1997). When Therapy Isn’t Enough: the healing power of prayer & psychotherapy. Relaxed books Ltd.: Winfield, IL ISBN 0-9615140-4-3
  • Nagoski, Amelia and Emily (2020). Burnout: The secret to unlocking the stress cycle.
  • Ruiz, Don Miguel (1997). The Four Agreements: a practical guide to personal freedom. Amber-Allen Publishing: San Rafael, CA ISBN 1-878424-31-9
  • Virtue, Doreen (1997). The Lightworker’s Way: awakening your spiritual power to know and heal. Hay House: Carlsbad, CAISBN 1-56170-390-7
  • Wagner, Megan (2004). The Sapphire Staff: Walking the Western Mystical Way. The ancient path of healing called The Tree of Life. Veritas Publishing: Redwood City, CA. ISBN 0-9748665-7-1

Sexuality for Couples

  • Color, Amy. Look for her April 2018 TedTalk on YouTube entitled Intimate with Amy
  • Dunas, Felice (1997). Passion play: Ancient secrets for a lifetime of health and happiness through sensational sex.
  • Love, Patricia (1994). Hot monogamy: Essential steps to more passionate, intimate lovemaking. NY: Plume. ISBN 0-452-27366-8
  • Love, Patricia; Stosny, Steven (2007). How To Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It: Finding love beyond words. NY: broadway books. ISBN 978-7679-2317-0
  • Klein, Marty (2012). Sexual Intelligence: What we really want from sex and how to get it.
  • Kleinplatz, Peggy (2020). Magnificent Sex: Lessons from extraordinary lovers.
  • Nagoski, Emily (2015). Come as You Are: The surprising new science that will transform your sex life.
  • Nelson, Tammy (2008). Getting the Sex You Want: Shed your inhibitions and reach new heights of passion together. Quiver: Beverly, MA ISBN 1-59233-301-X
  • Perel, Esther (2006). Mating in Captivity: unlocking erotic intelligence. HarperCollins: New York, NY ISBN 978-0-06-075364-1
  • Weiner Davis, Michele (2003). The Sex-Starved Marriage: Boosting your marriage libido. Simon & Schuster: NY, NY